We were lulled to
sleep by the sound of parties in the streets of Lilongwe last night.
However, we were both so tired that this did not interrupt us falling
deep asleep. The power was on in the room, so possibly for the last
time this holiday, we had the luxury of aircon!
Here is Mike holding
the very elaborate do not disturb sign, which we used to make sure,
well, that we were not disturbed!
We slept until about
8am, when the power cut out – so we both had very quick showers
(quick because it was COLD! Maybe the power cut is actually a water
saving device??) before heading to the courtyard at the back of the
hotel for our breakfast.
Breakfast was toast,
two eggs and fruit salad with tea or coffee. I don't think I've
mentioned yet just how putrid the coffee is. It is, I think, mostly
chicory – which apparently stems from South Africa (certainly it is
the same as the coffee on the South African flight yesterday). Tea is
made american style (teabag presented seperately to the luke warm
water). For commentary of what British people think of this
technique, please watch the first ten minutes of the “Second Best
Marigold Hotel”, where Maggie Smith speaks for the nation!
So the eggs and the
toast were great (particularly given they were cooked without power –
Mike thinks they deep fried my boiled eggs), the fruit salad was
fabulous but the beverages left a lot to be desired. Mike was
particularly excited that breakfast came with strawberry jam. He made
me write that.

You can see in this
photo that it was a grey morning, and it was actually a little
chilly. Apparently this is quite normal – and as we were told, the
low cloud had burned off by around lunchtime.
We didn't need to
meet the rest of our group until 1pm – so we slowly packed and
checked out of the hotel before heading back to our favourite New
York bar for a coffee / tea (both still wrong in different ways).
We caught sight of a
wedding party go past in a stretch hummer... apparently this was
imported very recently, and is the big thing in Lilongwe.
We also worked out where the smell of baking bread was coming from, as there was a bakery right next to our hotel. This photo shows (I think) all the vendors bustling to get the next load of freshly baked bread!
In the cafe, we made
some notes of “impressions of Lilongwe” and this is what we came
up with:
The streets smell of
sweet, freshly baked bread mingled with diesel fumes and charcoal.
More than half of the open businesses are electronics shops, or shops
that offer to provide you with digital TV. The closed down businesses
make the area look a little derelict (rather like Brentford!). The
streets are full of Rascal van mini buses cramed to bursting point
with sad looking people, and the air is filled with the sound of
drivers honking their horns to be let out, to refuse to let someone
out or just to let everybody know they are alive.
We sipped our coffee
whilst we watched a dilgent young man make a right fist of washing a
very smart looking Mercedes (he managed to put the mud from the
wheels all over the bonnet and roof – which is actually quite an
impressive feat!) We smugly assumed that this was the vehicle that
would be taking us to the airport.
We were wrong. The
car that we were led to at the appropriate time had an air of neglect
that almost felt deliberate. The windscreen had a crack that ran into
a big circle around the outer edge of the window. It looked like a
strong wind would pop it out. The brakes were no longer lined with
anything except shards of metal, and at a roadblock outside the
airport, the driver had a long debate with a policeman about his
rights to be on the road. This is Africa!
At the airport, I
braced myself for the same hoards of porters that had hassled us
yesterday – but they never appeared. Grudgingly I struggled with my
own bags! We waited inside the arrivals area for the rest of our
group to arrive.
At this point, I
probably ought to tell you what Mike and I are doing for the next
week. J&J have a longstanding relationship with a charity called
Open Arms Malawi. Neville is the “Chief Termite” of the charity,
and has lived here in Malawi for thirty years. The website for the
charity is here
but here is a summary.
Malawi has been ravaged by HIV / AIDs, and there are a vast number of
AIDs orphans. Open Arms provides orphanages for very small, very sick
babies, and this is the very visible part of the charity. The real
magic, though, is that the charity also builds the infrastructure to
get children back into village life (at the age of about three).
Infrastructure includes homes to live in, schools to go to, and
crucially, foster mothers to care for the children. The preferred
route is to move children back to their extended families, but if
there are no living female relatives, or if the family is just too
poor, the children are fostered with women who are effectively
employees of the charity.
For the next week, Mike and I are volunteering with Open Arms
“building” houses (sensibly, Neville also employs local
housebuilders who actually know what they are doing... what we
westerners bring is awareness (through places like this blog),
enthusiasm and critically, money!!)
the rainy season this year, many of the houses that the foster
mothers use were seriously damaged by floods. Tomorrow I will show
you some photos, but to put things into context, a safe watertight
house costs only £1400 to build... and yet many people here just do
not even have that level of stability in their lives. There is
another potential humanitarian disaster waiting just around the
corner, as the floods also destroyed 30% of the maize crops (which is
the staple), and there really is not a stable enough government here
to have made any provision for the year to come.
back to the airport. We watched an apparently famous church person
arrive (greeted by a flock of nuns), a group which looked like rock
stars (we later found out they were school children returning from a
school trip to Spain) and finally, our compatriots.

the swap over point Mike managed to generate a fight with a bunch
of kids by giving one of them an empty water bottle. They
can recycle them for cash:
the bottles are used to mix
and sell local drinks (fruit juices, beer maybe).
the drive there were people everywhere – I do not think there was a
single stretch of road that did not have evidence of human
habitation. According to Neville, this gets less intense away from
the road, but I think this is a
highly populated country.
reached our home for the next week shortly after 5pm, and then
watched the light fall out of the sky as the sun set behind us,
whilst enjoying a cold beer.

We feasted on barbeque chicken and rump steak. Neville invited a
number of his staff to eat with us, and a local band to play – so
there was dancing and drinking until the heady time of 10pm when the
world fell asleep!
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