We were horrified to be told that breakfast would be served at 7am –
but that's what happened! Frank, again, served the best scrambled
eggs in the world. I mean, really, the best!
This is not the most
flattering photo of our colleagues, so I'm not going to tell you
their names now – but look at that spread!
Then we headed over
to the orphanage to swap cars around / drop stuff off / pick stuff
up... etc. Here we met the crew that we would be working with this
week. Stupidly, I didn't take a photo at that point, but I have MANY
photos as we go through the next few days. I will just list them for
The foreman is Fred. He is employed by Open Arms, and really manages all the build projects. The rest of the crew are casual workers, and they are paid just over a dollar a day in local currency. This is about double the going rate.
The foreman is Fred. He is employed by Open Arms, and really manages all the build projects. The rest of the crew are casual workers, and they are paid just over a dollar a day in local currency. This is about double the going rate.
They are George (who
is always wearing a woolly hat), John and Hadj who are the brickies;
Leifer (or “no mistake”) and Luis who do most of the heavy
lifting that us Muzungu just cannot do; William, Youssouf and Sinoah.
Around about the point of the introductions, one of my boots fell to pieces. I have had them an awful long time – probably going on for 20 years, but I expected more from Salomans! This caused a diversion for me to collect my sandals (the only other shoes I have with me - which is unusual, as I normally travel like Imelda Marcos, but unfortunate, as the boots offered a little protection from the terrain, whilst the sandals really don't)
By the time I got
back to the site, the thatch was already down and burning, and the
walls were not holding up a great deal of resistance to the hammering
they were getting. The old hose was made of a bamboo frame, and
plastered in dried mud. The technique was to break all the dried mud,
to remove any structural strength that this was giving, and then to
push the whole thing over using brute force. We Muzungu may not have
much building experience, but brute strength and enthusiasm were
available in bucket loads.

This photo is
actually from tomorrow (when the professionals had completed the job)
but you can see the pride in his little face! Latrines would normally
need to be dug to three metres deep – but if they reach water they
stop. They reached water here after about a metre. I guess this is to
protect the water supplies from the contents of the latrine – but
it occurs to me that if you wait until you hit water, that might be
too late?? What do I know! (a few days later, I find that this is
utter nonsense. It still needed to go another 2.5 metres down, but they had to allow water to drain away before continuing)
After all that
enthusiasm, it was time for a break. This is the J&J gang sitting
the shade of the neighbours house.
From left;
Françoise (from Consumer, Zug), Tessa (from Consumer, Maidenhead), Me, Pavel
(from Consumer, Zug), Peter (from Janssen, UK) and Pierre (from
Consumer, Zug). Obviously, Michael is taking the pic.
This little patch of
shade has been shared over the last few days by us and the actual
workmen (!), and the extended family who live in this house.
The neighbours have
also been invaluable in the build by maintaining the water supply for
the cement. Tessa, Françoise and myself, as the ladies in the team,
got to accompany the ladies on a water run. The “pump” is about
500 metres from the house, and water is carried on the head. We all
tried this (some with more success than others) with our child sized buckets (the real women carried large open washing bowls – we had
small buckets that probably only held three litres of water!)
The pump is broken.
Water seeps to the top of the pipe (where the pump handle should be)
and is scooped out using a cup. This takes a LONG time for a big
bucket. I know there are pictures of this, but I don't have them, as
I was focusing on the bucket of water on my head, and trying not to
take an early shower!
I was SLOW. To cover
my embarrassment, when passing other women I pretended to dance. This
seemed to entertain them, even if it meant I was a bit damp by the

Anyway, Hadj
features a lot in my photos, because he is just so meticulous, and I
found him great to watch. Note, my colleagues and Fred, the foreman,
all standing in a line, watching me work!

We had lunch at the
orphanage – which was an amazing spread. I will tell you all about
the lunches once I have a photo – it took us until Wednesday to
remember to photograph the food before just diving in!
I have started a
little tradition of greeting the staff at the home in the kitchen
loudly in the local language, to which they all respond loudly
(spelling is going to be wrong her) it sounds like:
Me: “Mwudi
Them (chorus):
“Didi Pweno”
Me: “Didi Pweno,
Se Komo”
Them: “Se Komo”
Makes me happy
anyway! Basically it's just Hello, how are you? I'm well, I'm well
too, Thank you... sounds more exotic in Malawian.

The workshop helps
orphans and also teenagers who (euphemistically) “get themselves
into trouble” to develop a trade. This is a wide photo of the
workshop, and today they were working on a set of uniforms for a
lodge up on Lake Malawi. It was set up by a Swiss lady called Metti.
Anyway, with help from Pierre, Françoise and I chose our fabrics. Pierre was not interested in choosing patterns, though, and ran away at that point in proceedings! Two skirts were ordered for 6000 Kwatcha each (around $12)
As we were leaving
the orphanage, Chicu (the matron at the orphanage) returned from
Mangochu with a new baby girl, call Madalitzon. How cute, I thought,
a new born baby, and at 2.8kg (less than 6lb) she could have been new
born. She's not. She's five months old.
As well as being
seriously malnourished, she's also HIV+. Not a great start in life to
be honest. But she's in a good place now.
We all whiled away
the afternoon back at the cottage, Except Peter, who went back to the
building site. Just a quick note about how dedicated this was – it
was HOT. We were all stinking sweaty, and the only thing I could
think about was a cool shower. To walk back to the building site this
afternoon was dedication above and beyond. Of course, our Malawian
colleagues had no choice but to continue working. Peter earned a
great deal of respect for this (from us and the Malawians).
In the evening we
drove to the Skinny Hippo for dinner. This is a bar run by a
Malawian, which is, apparently, quite rare. The bar has a small
swimming pool, which was filled to the gunnels with Malawian
teenagers having a grand time. None of them could swim, so they were
all wearing life vests!
When we arrived, it
was before sunset, and it seemed that dinner on the patio would be a
good idea... as the sun set, the mozzies started biting, and we
reversed that decision. Dinner was fried Chambo fish with chips and
green beans. It was absolutely wonderful!
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